
Dental Inlays and Onlays: Everything You need to know

Jun 02, 2023
Dental Inlays and Onlays: Everything You need to know
Dental inlays and onlays are a great alternative to more invasive treatments like crowns, which can require significant reshaping of the natural tooth structure. In fact, with their precise fit and minimal preparation requirements,...

Dental inlays and onlays are a great alternative to more invasive treatments like crowns, which can require significant reshaping of the natural tooth structure. In fact, with their precise fit and minimal preparation requirements, inlays and onlays often provide superior results compared to traditional fillings. Plus, they can last for years with proper care, making them an excellent investment in oral health.

Getting a dental inlay and onlay in Ridgewood, NY, requires at least two appointments with your dentist. Your dentist will prepare the damaged tooth and then prepare the tooth mold to create a custom-made restoration.

What is the Difference Between The Two?

Dental inlays and onlays are two common dental procedures that dentists use to repair damaged teeth. While these two procedures might sound similar, they have some important differences. Inlays are used for smaller areas of decay or damage, typically found within your teeth’ cusps (the points).

Onlays are used for larger areas of damage that may extend beyond the cusps and onto the tooth’s surface. The difference lies in how much of the tooth needs to be restored. In either case, both options offer a natural-looking restoration that blends in with your existing teeth.

Dental inlays and onlays offer several advantages over other types of restorations. They provide excellent durability and longevity with proper care and maintenance. They are also more aesthetically pleasing than metal fillings since they can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Additionally, they can help protect weakened teeth from further damage and decay, making them an investment in your long-term oral health. If you need a dental restoration, talk to your dentist in Ridgewood about whether an inlay or onlay could be right for you.

What is the Procedure?

Getting an inlay or onlay involves two appointments at your dentist’s office. Your dentist will numb the area and remove any decay or damage. They will then take an impression of your tooth so that a custom-made restoration can be created. A temporary filling will be placed over the tooth to protect it until your next appointment.

The temporary filling will be removed at your second appointment, and the inlay or onlay will be bonded into place using a strong dental adhesive. Your dentist will check to ensure everything fits correctly and you’re happy with how it looks before finishing up.

Overall, dental inlays and onlays provide a great option for restoring damaged or decayed teeth without requiring more extensive treatments like crowns. With proper care, they

Inlays are typically used for restoring smaller areas of damage or decay within a tooth’s cusps (bumps). On the other hand, an onlay covers one or more cusps of a tooth and may extend over its biting surface. These restorations can be made from porcelain, composite resin, or gold.

What are the Risks

One risk of getting dental inlays or onlays is the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the materials used. These restorations are typically made from either porcelain or composite resin, which contain various chemicals and compounds that some people may be sensitive to.

Another risk associated with dental inlays and onlays is damage to adjacent teeth or existing dental work. Because of these restorations, the placement of dental inlays and onlays requires the removal of a portion of the tooth structure. There is a chance that neighboring teeth may become damaged during the procedure.

It is important to discuss any concerns or allergies with your dentist before undergoing this procedure. Your dentist can use alternative materials or take additional precautions to minimize potential risks. It is also crucial to choose a qualified and experienced dentist with extensive dental restoration knowledge.

While dental inlays and onlays are effective ways to restore lost or damaged tooth structures, they come with some associated risks. These risks include the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the materials used and damage to adjacent teeth or existing dental work. However, proper planning and communication with your dentist can minimize these risks.

To find out more about inlays & onlays, contact our Ridgewood, NY, dental office today.

Overall, while there are risks associated with dental inlays and onlays, they are generally considered safe and effective treatments for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. By working closely with your dentist and following their instructions before and after the procedure, you can help minimize potential risks and achieve the best possible outcome. Visit Mamkin Dentistry for more information about dental Inlay and Onlay.