
Do You Need Dental Bridges?

Feb 02, 2022
Do You Need Dental Bridges?
Dental bridges help fill gaps between your teeth, especially if you have lost them due to familiar reasons like tooth decay, injuries, or infections.

Dental bridges help fill gaps between your teeth, especially if you have lost them due to familiar reasons like tooth decay, injuries, or infections. If you think you need dental bridges, it confirms you have one or more missing teeth and are looking for replacement solutions to hide the gaps in your smile and restore mouth functionality.

Dental bridges are an excellent solution to replace missing teeth to help you achieve your goal. However, are you aware of what the process of getting bridges entails? If not, you help yourself by researching dental bridges near you to determine whether dental bridges are a suitable solution for your situation.

If you consider bridges to replace missing teeth, you must have healthy teeth neighboring the gap to accommodate dental crowns after having them prepared for placement. A pontic or a fake tooth is attached to the dental bridges to function as your replacement teeth. Unfortunately, if you don’t have healthy teeth neighboring the gap, there is no need for you to become disappointed because the dentist in Ridgewood, NY, also provides implant-supported dental bridges, an incredibly stable solution remaining with you for a lifetime with proper dental hygiene.

Varieties of Bridges Suitable for You

There are four types of dental bridges offered by dentists. They are:

  • Conventional Fixed Bridge: the most common Bridges is the traditional variety having two or more crowns and a fake tooth in between, all connected. The crowns assist in keeping the bridge in place. Metals, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal helped make conventional bridges.
  • Cantilever Bridge: You find cantilever bridges helpful if you have one tooth adjacent to the gap left by your missing teeth. The Pontic and cantilever bridges connect to merely one supporting tooth.
  • Maryland Dental Bridges: If you have a missing tooth in the aesthetic zone, you receive help from Maryland bridges made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramic, receiving support from a framework. Wings on both sides of the bridge bond to your natural teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: Although this variety is similar to conventional bridges, they are not bonded to your adjacent teeth. Instead, the bridge is held in place by implants.

What Happens During the Dental Bridge Procedure?

If you intend to have dental bridges to replace missing teeth, you must schedule at least two appointments with dental bridges in Ridgewood. Your first appointment is to prepare your abutment (supporting) teeth. The dentist provides local anesthesia before the preparation to ensure comfort during the process. Enamel and dentin removal is essential to make space for the dental crown. Your provider also impressions or takes a digital scan of your teeth for the dental laboratory uses the mold to create a model for your bridge. Finally, you receive a temporary bridge to protect the prepared teeth until the laboratory returns your permanent bridges.

Your second appointment is for the placement of the permanent bridge. During the procedure, the dentist starts by removing the temporary bridge and placing the permanent bridge. Next, they will carefully check the permanent bridge to make any adjustments if required to ensure it fits comfortably. Finally, all things being acceptable, the dentist bonds the permanent bridge in place, giving you your new artificial teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Having Dental Bridges?

Getting dental bridges to replace your missing teeth restores your bite and prevents your remaining teeth from shifting out of place. The bridges also restore your mouth’s functionality allowing you to chew and speak without confronting challenges. Most importantly, bridges restore the smile you lost with your natural teeth.

Are There Any Complications or Risks with Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges last for several years without complications if cared for appropriately. However, if tooth decay affects the supporting teeth, the dental bridge might fail. However, if the dental bridge slacks and the abutment teeth are fit, your provider can reattach them with dental cement.

How to Care for Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges succeed when the health and strength of your remaining teeth are intact. Preventing tooth decay and gum disease responsible for tooth loss is essential. Therefore you must take proper care of your teeth and gums by using the following tips:

Clean your teeth twice and floss at least once daily.

Do not miss scheduled appointments for regular dental cleanings.

Have a balanced diet including foods and vegetables, and limit chewy and fibrous foods like certain types of meat.

If you are convinced dental bridges are suitable solutions for your missing teeth, do not waste time but schedule an appointment with Mamkin Dentistry to have your dental bridges before your remaining teeth begin shifting.