
How Dental Implants Can Give You Back Your Smile?

Feb 28, 2020
A dental implant is a small titanium post with the head of a screw. It sits in the jawbone and pokes through the gums, providing a location for a crown or synthetic tooth to sit in comfort.

A dental implant is a small titanium post with the head of a screw. It sits in the jawbone and pokes through the gums, providing a location for a crown or synthetic tooth to sit in comfort. Many patients, regardless of age, discover dental implants are able to restore their smiles with no pain, little recovery time, and an affordable cost.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

A proper dental implant is able to give you back your smile in a variety of ways. One of the simplest is by eliminating the gap left behind by the loss of a permanent tooth. There is a strong stigma against missing teeth around the world because they are often associated with poor health or oral hygiene.

However, there are dozens of other reasons why you might have lost a tooth. An implant will help you avoid stigma and ensure you once again look like your normal self by giving you a full smile.

Another great benefit is improved oral health. Missing teeth often come with a broad range of negative side effects, like an increased risk for gum disease and the thinning of the jawbone.

An implant protects your gums and soft tissues and also strengthens the jawbone, helping you retain your original face shape, support, and healthy smile.

Do the Implants Match My Tooth Color?

Implants won’t just restore your smile physically. As mentioned earlier, they can also help you regain your original smile. The upper portion of the implant, called a crown, is shaded to match the natural color of your teeth. This means it blends in seamlessly with the rest of your smile and is difficult to distinguish from a natural tooth.

How Do I Know if I Am an Implant Candidate?

The simplest way to learn if dental implants are right for you is by visiting your regular dentist for an exam and consultation. They can help you get to optimal oral health and prepare your gums and jawbone for the implant without difficulty. Once inserted, you will discover the benefits of having your smile back.